Help To Configure
Enable/Disable a topic in a strategy (Admin Only)
A Strategy can contain multiple topics, which can further enhance the type of opportunities that RiTA will surface for that Strategy.
To view the available topics in a strategy.
From the navigation menu, under Opportunities, select Strategy Management:
2. Select the Strategy that you wish to configure, by clicking the toggle for a currently disabled Strategy:
… or the Modify button for an enabled Strategy:
3. For this example, we’ll be updating the ‘Seller Prospecting‘ Strategy.
Under the Custom Settings section, all of the available topics that can be applied as part of the strategy will be displayed.
4. Click on a topic setting to configure that topic.
5. Each available topic will have some initial configuration required for the email, message and call script, so ensure you tailor these to your own preference.
Once you have configured the topic email, message and call settings, click the Enabled checkbox to enable the topic in the strategy.
Once you have done the above, you can select to ‘Run the Strategy‘ for all subscribers or for your agents individually.
6. To finalise your changes, simply click on Create / Update.
When RiTA finds relevant opportunities for your newly added strategy topic, they will appear on the opportunities Dashboard.
Changing the number of opportunities someone receives
1. Once you’ve logged into RiTA click opportunity then strategy management
2. Then on the strategy management page click modify on the strategy you want to change
3. When the modal appears scroll down to subscriber settings and click edit for the person you want to change
4. When their modal appears update their Max Open Opportunities
5. Once you’ve changed the number of opportunities click Update
6. RiTA will now start producing the number of opportunities you set.
How to remove/add orphan data
1. To be able to remove or add orphan data from another agent you need to access the strategy management page. Click opportunity then from the drop down click Strategy Management.
2. The below picture is an example of what you might see when opening the strategy management page. For your business you might see different strategies turned on and off, or different strategies altogether.
3. For this example let’s change the orphan data for the Quarterly Property Owner Nurture. To do so click Modify on the right.
4. Below is an example of what you might see once you click Modify.
5. Scroll down to the Subscriber settings section, and click
Edit on the row for the user you want to change.
6. Then scroll down to and open the orphaned data section.
7. Once opened if no settings have been set for orphaned data, you will see the following:
8. Click Enable orphaned data assignment to edit the settings. Once enabled click CRM ID’s of orphaned data owner drop down. This will provide you with a list of agents that you can pull orphaned data from.
9. Select the CRM user you want the specified agent to receive data from.
10. Once selected click Update.
11. Once clicked the window should disappear and if you scroll to the bottom you’ll see that RiTA has notified you that everything updated successfully. If there’s any error they will appear before the window closes.
12. If you want to remove Orphan Data from another user then just uncheck them from the users orphan Data settings.
13. Once you are happy with the settings, click Update and this will confirm the settings you have selected.
How to reassign all agent opportunities to another agent
1. To be able to remove or add orphan data from another agent you need to access the strategy management page. Click opportunity then from the drop down click Strategy Management.
2. The below picture is an example of what you might see when opening the strategy management page. For your business, you might see different strategies turned on and off, or different strategies altogether. In this instance click on Modify.
3. On the modify settings navigate to Assignment.
4. Select the Assign Opportunity to drop down and choose the agent you want to reassign the opportunity to.
5. Once you are happy with the settings, click Update and this will confirm the settings you have selected.